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Dermal Fillers

New Image Aesthetics LTD is an independent business who offer a variety of treatments. We pride ourselves on our customer service, 5 star feedback, extensive treatment list and professionalism.


Areas that can be treated by Filler;
​Nasolabial folds ( smile lines )
Vertical lip lines ( smokers wrinkles)
Marionette Lines (Jowls)
Tear Troughs ( Eye bags )

What is filler?
Filler is made of Hyaluronic Acid. A water loving molecule that binds up to 400 x its weight in water. It works like a sponge and fills up with water upon injection filling out fine lines/wrinkles and plumping lips. Young skin is moisturized with this hyaluronic acid and naturally occurring sugar. It keeps our skin hydrated via absorption of the water. As we age, this volume of hyaluronic acid decreases and fine lines begin to appear that will eventually turn into wrinkles. In the lips, this causes thinning, loss of fullness, volume and definition. We can also develop vertical or marionette lines around the mouth that cause your mouth to droop, giving you an unhappy appearance. Nasolabial folds can also become deeper due to age-ing along with other factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle, muscle imbalances and so on.
Will it hurt?

A pre numb will be used for 10 minutes prior to the procedure to help minimise any initial discomfort.  Some of the fillers we use contains lidocaine (numb) within the product to ease pain of injection also. Here at New Image we use only the best products on the market, ensuring the smoothest of consistency and ease of injection.

Here at New Image we have gone the extra mile to ensure cannulas are available for treatments. This is where a needle is used to pierce the skin only once and then a blunt device is inserted into one entry point from which the entire treatment is carried out. This technique is proven to cause less bruising due to no sharp needles and therefore less trauma resulting in less down time. You are welcome to request a cannula if you would prefer one. 

Will there be swelling?
You may experience redness, bruising or swelling in the injected area. These effects should not last longer than 2 weeks. Swelling usually subsides within 48 hours. Light makeup can be applied 4-6 hours after procedure.

Every individual is different. What may give an immediate result on one client may take two or three sessions to achieve on another. Likewise, what may last 1 year on one client may last less than 12 weeks on another. This is due to several factors including lifestyle, skin type, metabolism etc. Filler does however take time to build up, so please be patient and continue to visit frequently for top ups over the first year to build a base. This will help ensure your treatment area lasts longer and once that base is in place - should need less maintenance in the future. 

Can I remove it?
In most cases filler can be dissolved and reversed by hyaluronidase. This is administered via small injections to break the product down. We will only do this is extreme cases.

Should i get 0.5 or 1 ml for my lips?
This is down to personal preference and lip size/amount of previous filler. However, if this is your first treatment ;
-0.5 ml will give a VERY subtle look once swelling goes down.
-1 ml may look large immediately after. Once this swelling goes down they will settle to be visibly more plumped and volumised. 
​-1.5 ml for a more glamorous appearance. 

Managing Expectations
Please remember we can only enhance our natural features. It is not possible to completely change them. Any treatment should be looked at as an improvement rather than a cure. It is not always possible to create the desired look if your facial anatomy does not allow. Please remember our faces are not symmetrical and sometimes no amount of filler can correct this - in some cases it may make it appear worse. Your technician will best advise on the day of your treatment.
A F T E R C A R E  A D V I C E
Initial Aftercare;

  • Avoid touching the treated area or applying with products for 4-6 hours following treatment. After that light makeup can be applied and the area can be gently washed with soap and water. 

  • Until the initial swelling and redness has resolved please do not expose the area to intense heat. Eg sunbeds, sunbathing or extreme cold. 

  • Please do not exercise for 48 hours after your procedure as it can cause migration of filler.

  • If you have previous suffered facial herpes, there is a risk that injections could contribute to another eruption. 

  • If you are using aspirin or any similar medication, please be aware that this may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site. 

  • Please do not touch the area on the first day please ensure you ice and take antihistamines to reduce swelling and bruising.

  • 24hours after treatment (Lips Only) check the area for lumps. To do this smooth the lips with your finger and thumb, if you do feel a lump squeeze between the fingers and massage. If the lump is stubborn a warm flannel can help soften the area. Please check them twice a day for the next 7 days.

Any injection causes an inflammatory response – This means two things;

  1. This is not your final result - It is not uncommon for the treatment area to remain swollen (mainly due to underlying bruising) for up to two weeks. During this time the area may look very uneven, feel bumpy, bruised, discolored and may feel sore. Please do not panic. It is normal during this period to not be entirely happy with your results. Patience here is key.

The final result will be apparent approximately 14 days after treatment. If you have any concerns, please book in for a review after this two-week period is up. Any initial discomfort during this period can be eased by application of ice.

  1. This is not your final result - Any injection causes an inflammatory response. This can easily cause disappointment over the following weeks because as the swelling subsides, the treatment area may look significantly less plump than it looked immediately after injection.

The filler has not dissolved nor disappeared, you have not wasted your money. The filler has simply sunken and formed a layer at the base of your treatment area. Many clients find they need two or three sessions in order to layer filler on top of one another – until the filler no longer has room to sink – leaving you with a fuller look.   
Unfortunately, we cannot predict how many sessions each individual will need to achieve their desired result and therefore cannot be held accountable if several sessions are needed. The results of your treatment durability and end results are influenced by several genetic and lifestyle factors completely out of our control. Aesthetics is an art process - not an exact science.
If you have any concerns, please contact immediately; 0759739748

© 2021 by New Image Aesthetics

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